söndag 27 januari 2013

Life of Pi

The story you must see.

Regi: Ang Lee
Stars: Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan, Adil Hussain, etc.
Runtime: 127 min

It's about a young man who survives a disaster at sea and enters an epic journey. While he is fighting for survival, he gets an unusual connection with another survivor, Bengel tiger. 
Thanks to the computer animation and 3D, the movie becomes just as dramatically, so poetic, so breathtakingly beautiful as Yann Martell´s novel. Lee showed us stunning images on the borderline between what feels like animation and reality. Yann Martel´s novel published in 2001 and won the British booker prize 2002. One director after another has jumped on and off the project to make a movie of the book, which sold over seven million copies. Ang Lee was the perfect director for making this novel into a movie. Lee is a film director who makes what comes to him. He has played in movies in the United States, China, United Kingdom and Taiwan, he has made many movies with different genres. Life of PI is unlike anything else that is shown in the cinema. In fact, the movie is unlike any other movie I've seen (and they are numerous). I have never seen a more beautiful movie and I got amazed of the natural scenes for example when sky and sea merge into one and when the great blue whale jumps over the survivals. I really think it is a masterpiece and comes into my list of favorite movies.


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